Cheyenne Brown
The trials and errors of ski racing seem to never end. Once you feel as if you’re on top of the world, and unstoppable rock bottom is certainly right around the corner. Handling these ups and downs has been a huge learning process as an athlete, and by far one of the biggest challenges of this sport. One thing that has helped me over the years to handle all of the hard times is remembering why I love this sport so much. Ski racing gives me the chance to wake up and do something different, challenge myself, meet new people and find my limits every day.
The second part that has made ski racing stay possible is having an amazing support system behind me to pick me up once I have fallen down. Of course, my family has always been there and supported me in my endeavors, but once I started racing in college I found a new support system that has changed skiing forever.
My freshman year at CMC I lived in the dorms and I met my now two best friends, who don’t even ski race, that have dug me out of the lowest of low rock bottoms of skiing. I met my ski team full of driven athletes who, like me, want to work hard to better themselves and become champions. I met teachers who not only helped me when I was struggling with my math homework, but always supported me when I would explain my crazy goals. Finally, I met coaches who want the best for every athlete and put everything they can into our ski racing to help us reach our goals. I have met my best friends that will stick with me forever, and always push me to be better, especially when I feel like I can’t do it anymore.
For that I am thankful. Ski racing is a love hate relationship but I am forever stoked on the beautiful places I have been and the wonderful people I have met along the way.
Cheers to many more epic memories!